Paul deParrie
Editor in Chief
Published books:
Unholy Sacrifices of the New Age, co-authored with Mary Pride (Crossway Books)
Ancient Empires of the New Age, co-authored with Mary Pride (Crossway Books)
The Rescuers (Wolgemuth & Hyatt)
Romanced to Death (Wolgemuth & Hyatt)
Satan’s Seven Schemes (Wolgemuth & Hyatt)
A Haunt of Jackals (Crossway Books)
Blood Upon the Rose (Crossway Books)
Dark Cures (Huntington House) soon to be released
Life Advocate editorials:
Of Titanic proportions May/June 1998
The final "pro-life" benchmark March/April 1998
Progressive blindness in Oregon January/February 1998
The slippery slope of child pornography November/December 1997
God and second chances September/October 1997
Flotsam and jetsam, or Even a bad moon reflects the light of the sun July/August 1997
Family values and godly standards May/June 1997
Dear Atheist March 1997
Are you for 86? January 1997
Gideonizing the pro-life army (or, Do you believe your own rhetoric?) November 1996
Planting crops on the short side of eternity October 1997
How many times must they lie? September 1996
History’s great moderates July 1996
Getting into the pro-life mind May 1996
Stilling the cries of grief April 1996
Wenatchee witch hunt March 1996
Do it now! Avoid the rush! January 1996
Idolatry on the half-shell December 1995
It is not reason November 1995
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord October 1995
Nations can’t go to hell September 1995
Four a.m., June 19 July 1995
Bombs, babies, and sons of Belial June 1995
What do you mean "we," Newscaster? May 1995
Of blue-tick hounds and digging Dietrich, and other niggling things April 1995
What will you do? March 1995
Our cup runneth over? February 1995
The Republican mudslide and the mind of the American January 1995
It matters to this one December 1994
Things that make you go "huh?" November 1994
Where are the Whigs October 1994
Civil Rights, righteousness, and judgment calls September 1994
FACE facts July 1994
Life. What a beautiful choice . . . and other delights August 1994
Reprobate minds -- a seared conscience’s final frontier June 1994
Meeting half-way: The seduction of the pro-life movement April 1994
Evil’s best disguise March 1994
Living on yesterday’s manna February 1994
Following the money December 1993
"Abortion Kills Children" Another look at LifeChain August 1993
Of Prophecies and Agendas July 1993
Waco, Wombs, and Winning June 1993
Situational Outrage May 1993
"Poor and uneducated" April 1993
Pragmatic forgetfulness: Too easy March 1993
TWA (Teachahs With Attitude) February 1993
Sieg heil! . . . with a smile January 1993
Instruments of Revival November 1992
Editors, gatekeepers, and wordwarpers October 1992
The Hope of Revival (or, Dying by Degrees) September 1992
Go directly to ancient Rome -- do not save babies, do not violate paterfamilias February 1992
No Strange Fire March 1991
The Premature Requiem December 1990
Consuming even the stones November 1990
Christian Activists September 1990
Smoke and Mirrors July 1990
Seen Through Other Eyes May 1990
Survival As What? April 1990
Documenting the Holocaust April 1990
Drop For Drop, Dollar For Dollar February 1990
Salting the Culture December 1989
Whose Image? October 1989
The Cheap Solution July 1989
Via Dolorosa July 1989
Rushdoony’s Rush To Judgment March 1989
The Holy Spirit and Rescues December/January 1988-89
A Questionable Export September/October 1988
Willke Bush-Wacks the Babies August 1988
Failing Hostory July 1988
Judge Dorothy Baker: A Clear and present Danger January 1988
Not Unto Blood . . . Yet July 1986
Small Wonders March 1986
Editorials in The Oregonian:
What editors don’t know about guns April 16, 1998
The medium wasn’t the message May 8, 1997
Security cost not worth liberty loss May 3, 1994
Hate-crime designation dangerous February 24, 1989
Euthanasia issue feared heading on wrong course January 22, 1988
Obscenity law is clear and should be enforced September 2, 1986