Paul deParrie
Editor in Chief
Paul deParrie is the servant of one God, husband of one wife, father of six children, and grandfather (as of April 1998) of six grandchildren.
He has been the editor-in-chief of Life Advocate magazine since 1990 and is a regular news, feature, and commentary writer for the magazine. He also has seven published books.
He was the organizer of Advocates for life Ministries’ 1995-96 SHAME Campaign where activists picketed abortionists’ houses and leafleted their neighborhoods.
His work includes ground-breaking pro se litigation for pro-life and pro-family freedom of speech cases. These include a 1998 victory in the Oregon Court of Appeals where the appellate court overturned a "stalking" order obtained by abortionist Jude Hanzo after he organized and conducted two SHAME Campaign pickets outside Hanzo’s house.
He has been widely interviewed and quoted in the media, including McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Time, Playboy, and other publications. He has had editorial-length commentaries appear more than half a dozen times in The Oregonian in Portland, Oregon.
Named one of the top 15 Enemies of Choice by Ms. Magazine in 1995.
The first Oregon pro-life activist to be declared a "stalker" by the courts under Oregon law in 1995.
The first Oregon pro-life activist to be undeclared a "stalker" by the Oregon Appeals Court in 1998.
Recipient of the prestigious Oregon Citizen’s Alliance Jason Lee Award in 1997.
Banned as the invited speaker to the Pro-Life Wisconsin Banquet in 1994.
Jailed for rescue activities in Wichita, Kansas in 1991.
Jailed in 1991 for Contempt of Court in Oregon for rescue activities.
Declared liable to Lovejoy abortuary in 1991 by an Oregon court for $370,859.80 because of rescue activities.
Volunteer Coordinator for Friendship Unlimited Inner City Ministries from 1980 to 1986.
Director of Multnomah County Citizens Against Pornography from 1980 to 1985.
Pastor of The Church Called Emmanuel in Portland, Oregon from 1977 to 1980.
Published books:
Unholy Sacrifices of the New Age, co-authored with Mary Pride (Crossway Books)
Ancient Empires of the New Age, co-authored with Mary Pride (Crossway Books)
When we look around at the "new" religions called
New Age or Millennial, it is hard to imagine that all the
so-called New Age religions have been around since Babylon -- and
beyond. This is a fascinating journey back in time to the true
birth of the New Age.
For more books by Paul deParrie click here.
For the Paul deParrie web site click here.
Life Advocate editorials:
Progressive blindness in Oregon
January/February 1998
Are you for 86?
January 1997
Stilling the cries of grief
April 1996
Bombs, babies, and sons of Belial
June 1995
Of blue-tick hounds and digging Dietrich, and other niggling things
April 1995
"Abortion Kills Children" Another look at LifeChain
August 1993
Via Dolorosa
July 1989
Editorials in The Oregonian:
The medium wasn’t the message
May 8, 1997
For a complete list of articles click here.