May/June, 1999 Volume XIII Number 6

Bye, bye, Blackmun
By Cathy Ramey
That infamous author of the Roe v. Wade opinion, Justice Harry Blackmun, has himself been aborted . . . by God.
Blackmun was allowed to live to a ripe old age, offering clear evidence of Divine mercy, but alas, even God has a limit to His beneficence. Old Harry now lies moldering in his grave, and none too soon as far as some of us are concerned.
Harry was a card-carrying, God-hating naturalist (or “secular humanist”) who often wrote for a publication that espouses the end to the Christian religion and its influence on society (The Humanist). His vigorous efforts to create an illusion of Constitutional credibility for Roe has meant that many millions have died before birth.
Let us hope that the decision that he crafted is one day sent to the same location that I imagine he will inhabit in hell.
No, I am not a pietist. I do not begrudge him salvation in Christ, if he was humble and wise enough to comprehend his need. But barring that, while I take no special delight in his demise, I won’t pretend to mourn the death of somebody like Blackmun either.
In the Greek of the New Testament he would be “pornea,” willfully, not accidentally, bad. “Evil” is the term we use to nuance that sort of depravity.
In the ongoing debate about the nature of eternity for the condemned—whether they reside in eternal conscious torment surrounded in flesh-searing flames or are painfully, hideously annihilated in a brief period of judgment—it suits my thinking here to consider that Harry will be screaming “Ouch” for a very, very long time.
After all, God is just. His punishments are intended to fit the crime; neither too much, lest depravity resolve itself into greater depravity, nor too little, lest evil be trivialized and rob its victims of justice.
Yes, a sizable period of conscious torment would be consistent with the type of ongoing torture that Harry Blackmun’s raw judicial decision-making has resulted in. After all, a very conservative estimate is that between chemical and surgical abortions, an Unborn child is now killed on the average of every four seconds in America.
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Bye, Bye, Blackmun
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